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Rapid Weight Loss

New Orleans Weight Loss Program

Target Abnormal Fat & Lose Weight Rapidly*

Are you interested in changing your life for the better and losing weight in a healthy, rapid manner? At Soza Weight Loss, we offer a unique weight loss program which focuses on abnormal fat. We have set ourselves apart from other weight loss programs in Louisiana by helping you focus solely on losing stored and excess fat. Other diets and programs do not target abnormal fat the way we do, which means you could be losing good fat reserves and even lean body mass. All of the programs can help you to lose weight without unnatural supplements or diet pills. We focus on targeting solutions that naturally boost your metabolism and keep it at that level, which allows you to keep the weight off long term.*

How it Works

We offer a number of different programs, based on the amount of weight you want to lose and your intended time frame. Our goal is to help you lose weight in a healthy way and teach you important tips about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We use all-natural supplements which work to release and metabolize calories off fat from your body, curb your appetite, reduce cravings, stimulate your metabolism, improve energy and encourage rapid weight loss. Our programs are comprehensive. We believe we have combined all the components necessary for long term success. Our programs include our products, nutritional planning and full support from our trained staff throughout your program and after.

Our New Orleans weight loss programs include:

  • 30 day program: We use a very specific set of supplements in our specialized program which work to help you lose weight rapidly. You can lose the unwanted fat and excess water weight, without the loss of muscle mass.*
  • 60 day program: Follow our 60 day program correctly and our unique process may affect your metabolism in a positive way, which could help aid permanentresults. We focus on weight loss without extreme exercise.*
  • 90 day program: For a long-term program or a more substantial weight loss goal, our 90 day program aims to help you burn fat and naturally reshape your body.*

Stabilization Phase

Upon completion of any weight loss program, Soza has developed a comprehensive stabilization phase which is included in our weight loss packages at no additional charge.

This phase enables our clients to transition to a new way of life while allowing them to eat delicious foods and maintain the weight they achieved through the weight loss phase of our program.*

For 21 additional days our staff work with our clients to help them systematically reincorporate foods to their diet that were removed to facilitate weight loss.

This systematic reincorporation of food groups assists our clients to maintain their weight and identify any food groups that may be problematic for stable weight management. So they learn to proceed with caution in these areas.

Throughout this process our clients learn to monitor their body’s response to certain foods and to find a balanced approach to eating for long term success.*

Our clients learn to identify dramatic fluctuations in their weight and make simple corrections to return to ideal body weight.*

Probably the most important benefit to this process is that the clients body is allowed sufficient time to adjust to their “new weight” so that it will work with them to maintain the new weight instead of experiencing the “rebound effect” that is so often seen with other weight loss programs.

Are you interested in learning more about our New Orleans weight loss programs and how we can help? Contact us today at (504) 475-9817 to schedule your complimentary weight loss consultation!

*Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of weight loss or anti-aging results. All bodies are different and there are numerous factors that affect appearance and weight, so results may vary for each individual. You should consult with a doctor before beginning any new diet or exercise regimen.

Hear From Our Happy Clients

  • “Love Bonnie! So much Support! Love the recipes!”
    Love Bonnie! So much Support! Love the recipes!
    - Edie L.
  • “Love this program, love the support and recipes!”
    Love this program, love the support and recipes!
    - Julia
  • “I lost 18.6 pounds in 35 days!”
    Awesome program. I lost 18.6 pounds in 35 days! Bonnie is so sweet! I lost my chin! Yay!
    - Tammy
  • “I love the results already!”
    After one year off, I needed a boost to get back on track - I love the results already!
    - Barbara
  • “I enjoy weekly visits to keep me on track!”
    I enjoy weekly visits to keep me on track!
    - Christina S.
  • “I lost 11 lbs in 10 days!”
    So glad I came back. I lost 11 lbs in 10 days!
    - Chonda P
  • “It has been easy to adapt to and I have had great success!”
    Soza is wonderful! When I began the program I was told it was a "life style change". It has been easy to adapt to and I have had great success because of that. I can easily say that I can see myself continuing with these eating habits.
    - Lisa Marcello
  • “They have a supportive staff that allows me to go at my own pace.”
    Love this program! Truly the only one that works for me. They have a supportive staff that allows me to go at my own pace.
    - Laurie P.