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    “I lost 30 lbs in 60 days!”
    I lost 30 lbs in 60 days, which completely amazed me.
    - Karen J
    “I LOVE Soza clinic, and the program, and the lovely ladies who work there!”
    I LOVE Soza clinic, and the program, and the lovely ladies who work there! They are so kind and supportive, explaining every step of the way. Good week, or bad week, I enjoy every single visit and interaction at Soza. You will totally succeed if you follow the program!
    - Julie E.
    “All I can say is I have had a great experience. Love it, love it, love it!”
    All I can say is I have had a great experience. Love it, love it, love it!
    - Bertha W.
    “The weight and inches are coming off and it is so nice to be able to buy new clothes in smaller sizes!”
    I enjoy my visits with Stacey at Soza. We discuss recipes, strategies and everyday issues. As a diabetic on the Soza plan, I am delighted that my blood sugar readings are normal again. My blood pressure is stable and overall I feel great. The weight and inches are coming off and it is so nice to be able to buy new clothes in smaller sizes! Thank you Soza staff!
    - Fran V.
    “I've tried a dozen different diets and never stuck to them until I tried Soza and lost 80 pounds.”
    I have battled with a weight problem for 26 years. I've tried a dozen different diets and never stuck to them until I tried Soza. The support I've received from Stacey, Wendy, Bonnie and Connie has been very helpful. After losing 80 pounds I can say for the first time that I don't feel self-conscientious which is huge for me.
    - Heidi V.
    “I absolutely love Soza!”
    I absolutely love Soza! I am losing my pre-accident and pre-pregnancy weight back quickly and cannot wait to see the final results. Oh and I love Bonnie!
    - Amanda
    I LOVE this program!
    - RMB
    “They have a supportive staff that allows me to go at my own pace.”
    Love this program! Truly the only one that works for me. They have a supportive staff that allows me to go at my own pace.
    - Laurie P.
    “I've tried lots of programs but this is the only program that works for me!”
    I Love Soza - I've tried lots of programs but this is the only program that works for me!
    - Mary N.
    “It has been easy to adapt to and I have had great success!”
    Soza is wonderful! When I began the program I was told it was a "life style change". It has been easy to adapt to and I have had great success because of that. I can easily say that I can see myself continuing with these eating habits.
    - Lisa Marcello
    “I lost 11 lbs in 10 days!”
    So glad I came back. I lost 11 lbs in 10 days!
    - Chonda P
    “I love the results already!”
    After one year off, I needed a boost to get back on track - I love the results already!
    - Barbara
    “I enjoy weekly visits to keep me on track!”
    I enjoy weekly visits to keep me on track!
    - Christina S.
    “I lost 18.6 pounds in 35 days!”
    Awesome program. I lost 18.6 pounds in 35 days! Bonnie is so sweet! I lost my chin! Yay!
    - Tammy
    “Love this program, love the support and recipes!”
    Love this program, love the support and recipes!
    - Julia
    “Love Bonnie! So much Support! Love the recipes!”
    Love Bonnie! So much Support! Love the recipes!
    - Edie L.
    “Soza Clinic may have saved my life, literally.”
    Soza Clinic may have saved my life, literally. After losing a job that I really loved, I was devastated, became despondent and began gaining weight. The more weight I gained, the worse I felt both physically and mentally. I was about at the end of my rope when I saw an ad for Soza Clinic in the Louisiana News Journal. Figuring I had nothing to lose, I scheduled an appointment. After talking with Bobby and his wonderful staff, Shannon and April, I embarked on my Soza journey. Four months later, I have dropped 40 lbs, 3 sizes, and have lost 26 inches (10 of those inches were off my waist!) Physically, I have more energy, my cholesterol is almost within normal range and my heart rate, which had been running in the one hundred teens and higher, is now within normal limits. As a registered nurse, I know the importance of eating right and exercise. I have to confess that I am a sugar and carb junkie. On this diet plan, I never felt hungry or deprived and did not have overwhelming cravings for sugar or the foods I once indulged in. I now have the tools to maintain my weight loss and live my life in a fuller way. I recently got a new job so my career is back on track. Having to buy a whole new wardrobe didn’t hurt either! You can do it too if you are committed to the program. I dare you to try it! You will not be disappointed in the results.
    - Lisa G. Hall
    “Signing up with the Soza Clinic is the best thing I have done for myself!”
    Signing up with the Soza Clinic is the best thing I have done for myself! I lost 25 pounds, two dress sizes, and a total of 23 inches!!! I thought of the program as “a diet”. It’s not, it’s a “lifestyle” change. I feel so much better about how I eat now and how I look. Heathier foods for me and my family. It may seem hard at first, but it’s really not. Everyone at the clinic is so helpful, especially April. She had to put up with A LOT of questions! I have met my weight goal and I am happy with it. I feel great and I feel I look great! I was worried at first, but it turned out easier than I thought. I have a new way of eating now. And healthier all around!
    - Jonna Musselwhite
    “The staff was encouraging which gave me the the desire to keep going until I reached my goal.”
    At 5 feet 2 inches and weighing 212 pounds and getting larger. My blood pressure was out of control, I had no energy, bad eating habits and was ashame of my appearance. I tried other diets and failed so I decided to try the soza clinic. The initial consultation sold me. I left the clinic that very day committed to weight less and live longer. I lost 62 pounds and 26 inches and now I have lots of energy, my blood pressure is under control, my eating habits has changed and I am proud of my appearance. The staff was encouraging which gave me the the desire to keep going until I reached my goal. I have nothing but praise for the clinic.
    - Lillian Dean
    “I no longer take blood pressure medicine and I have cut my cholesterol meds in half.”
    At my weight when I started (your Program), I couldn’t exercise because of my bad knees. After the program, I now have no exercise (work out) issues. I no longer take blood pressure medicine and I have cut my cholesterol meds in half.
    - Randy H.*
    “I feel fabulous! Thank you for giving my life back.”
    I was 300 lbs. I’ve tried every diet with slow and yo-yo results. I’ve also tried Liposuction which removed 7 lbs of fat for $7,000 and it came right back. After struggling with my weight for 5 years, I started (your Program) in November of 2009 at 200lbs. I lost 55 lbs …and went from a size 16 to a size 6. I’m now at 145 lbs and I feel fabulous! Thank you for giving my life back.
    - Joanne H.*
    “The program itself is easy to understand and follow and the results speak for themselves.”
    My experience with (Your Program) has been very positive. The staff is friendly and professional, willing to take the time to answer any questions, and very supportive. The program itself is easy to understand and follow and the results speak for themselves. I haven’t felt this good in several years!
    - Santina Smith*
    “I’ve seen fantastic results and recommend this to anyone who is considering this.”
    Great service! Sherri makes me feel comfortable and helps me track my weight each time I come in. I’ve seen fantastic results and recommend this to anyone who is considering this.
    - Alicia Talia*
    “I would highly recommend this place to those who wants to get rid of extra pounds.”
    Thanks to (Your Program), a worthy & affordable place for people like me. I am so happy with the program & results, that I would highly recommend this place to those who wants to get rid of extra pounds. I was afraid of my investment and results but the program they put me through amazed me and I really liked the way they explained me about the balanced diet, nutrition and calories
    - A Google User*
    “fast weight loss, easy to follow and able to maintain the weigh loss. highly recommended.”
    Excellent weight loss program. fast weight loss, easy to follow and able to maintain the weigh loss. highly recommended.
    - A Google User*
    “Wow AMAZING results! Why didn’t I do this protocol years ago?!”
    Wow AMAZING results! Why didn’t I do this protocol years ago?! I’m so thankful that (Your Program) opened up in the King of Prussia/ Philadelphia area. I’ve been successful in losing 20 lbs…so far. I’ve been very successful and I look forward to finally losing all of my unwanted pounds that I’ve been lugging around for years. This protocol is a life-changer! I give my personal stamp of approval to the staff and the clinic!
    - A Google User*