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7 Ways to Stay Active During the Fall and the Holiday Season

While you may associate the fall and the holiday season with a time for coziness and delicious meals, you can still stay physically active during the colder weather. This is not only important for your health, but it offers opportunities for solo and group activities, including some that you may be available during other times of the year. You can easily fit physical activities with or without dedicated workouts in your daily life. If you have children, many options are family-friendly and are opportunities to nurture your relationships.

#1 Get a Medical Checkup

When was the last time you had a physical? While your children may have had one for the start of the school year, you should consider getting a medical checkup at least once a year to stay on top of your health, including immunization and any other appropriate screenings.

If you have not worked out in a while, getting a doctor’s approval for specific activities can prevent injuries. Your physician can also answer any questions you may have and if you have certain restrictions, they may recommend activities that you can do safely.

#2 Plan Ahead

No matter what your fall or holiday season may look like, taking some time to brainstorm ideas to be more physically active is helpful. Once you have had your medical checkup and are aware of any limitations you or a family member may have, you can plan accordingly. This can help you stay committed throughout the upcoming months even on days when you feel unmotivated.

If you have visitors or trips scheduled, it can help you decide how you want to work out on a regular basis and during those special times. You can also check local attractions and options for physical activities that could be appropriate fits for both you and the friends and relatives you plan to spend time with.

You should also think of purchasing any adequate shoes, clothing, or gear you may need for the activities you are interested in. Don’t forget to buy and wear sunscreen even during the colder season! UV rays do not go away during the fall or winter.

#3 Enjoy Seasonal Activities

An effective way to motivate yourself and plan physical activity at this time of the year is to embrace seasonal events. You can start the fall season with apple and pumpkin picking, which lets you enjoy your harvest for baking or carving a pumpkin for home decorations. You can also check out corn mazes for a fun family or friends outing that will allow you to walk for a few miles.

If you are into haunted houses, you can check out indoor and outdoor spooky attractions in your areas and check their age-appropriateness depending on who is attending.

Checking out Christmas decorations is also a convenient way to walk for a while on your own or with loved ones. Depending on the weather and what is available in your area, you can check outdoors decorations businesses and families set up or enjoy indoor mall decorations if the weather is too cold or rainy.

If you enjoy running, check out whether your locality or where you plan to spend the holidays offer either a Turkey Trot or a Jingle Bell Run. Those are common types of races that are not necessarily competitive and may even welcome walkers. You can either opt to join as part of your routine or train specifically to prepare for your first seasonal 5K race. You can even see if any friend or relative would like to join you.

#4 Go for Walks

If you have not worked out in a while but still want to increase your physical activity, you should consider walking more. As a low-impact type of exercise, walking involves little strain and is friendly for individuals of all ages. Make sure to invest in comfortable and supportive shoes for your ankles, back, and neck!

Going for walks in the fall is an opportunity to enjoy the way nature changes in this season with all the vivid leaf colors. You can also go check out the Halloween and Christmas decorations in your area when your neighbors and local businesses put theirs up. If you are traveling, walking allows you to explore your destination at your leisure.

#5 Clean Your Home

Cleaning your home before welcoming loved ones for a holiday gathering may be dreadful, but you can choose to change your mindset and see it as a wonderful opportunity to sweat it out.

When thoroughly cleaning your home and getting it ready for visitors, you may get to:

  • Bend
  • Climb stairs
  • Do laundry
  • Do yardwork
  • Put dishes away
  • Squat
  • Sweep
  • Vacuuming

Once you are done, you are welcome to do a celebratory happy dance for one last bout of exercise!

#6 Build Physical Activities into Family Gatherings and Trips

You do not need to spend the whole time at the dining table or in the living room during family gatherings. While delicious meals, conversations, and board games can be lovely staples, you can engage in physical activities when you visit your loved ones or vice versa.

Whether you decide to hit a nature trail or go together to an indoor yoga class, you can plan for what people would be interested in doing and what your local options are.

You can go play in the snow, build a snowman, or have a friendly snowball fight whether you have children or not. There is no age for joyful shenanigans. Even if you are indoors with little ones, you could try a game of hide-and-seek.

What about art centers and museums? Those are convenient options if the weather makes outdoor activities unavailable. They are also family-friendly options that allow for physical and intellectual activity.

#7 Think Outside the Box

Whether you plan workouts at specific times during the week or are just looking to be physically active regularly no matter what is going on in your life, creativity can make a positive difference. You may be familiar with popular recommendations of parking further away from your office or taking the stairs rather than the elevator. Those are helpful but you are welcome to think of new ideas that are appropriate for your lifestyle and goals.

What about raking leaves or shoveling snow whether at your home or when visiting friends or relatives? You may also volunteer for this type of activity in your area or help your neighbors out. You do not have to sit on the couch the whole time while watching TV, you can do sit-ups, squats, or other simple exercises that require no equipment and little space. You can even sneak in quick reps while cooking or waiting for guests.

Bonus Tip: Get the Whole Family Involved

Many seasonal activities and other options like walks are family-friendly for most ages. If you have children, you can use physical activities as bonding opportunities. You can do that during non-holiday weekends and during larger gatherings to encourage interactions and model healthy behaviors.

When the sledding and ice-skating season starts, you can do that as a family and introduce your little ones to this type of fun pastime. Even if you have babies who are too young to walk or do other things, going for family walks while pushing a stroller is an option.

Is it too cold to go outside even all bundled up? Clean and decorate the house together or do friendly contests of calf raises or push-ups as a family. The earlier you introduce your children to the benefits and enjoyment of physical activity, the more they integrated that as part of their everyday life.

Are you looking to start your wellness journey in Metairie, Covington, or Harvey? Contact Soza Weight Loss today at (504) 475-9817 to schedule a consultation for personalized recommendations!