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What Foods Are Good for Digestion Problems?


10 Foods That Will Help Get Your Digestion on the Right Track

According to a recent survey, 74% of Americans are living with digestive problems like diarrhea, gas, bloating, and abdominal pain. Digestive problems can be caused by a variety of issues, like an unhealthy lifestyle, food sensitivity, and poor diet. A lack of fiber or probiotic-rich foods is often to blame for these issues. Fortunately, you can make some positive changes in your diet and lifestyle that can alleviate these symptoms and improve your digestion. Some of the best foods to help improve digestion include:

  • Yogurt

Yogurt is full of probiotics, which are live microorganisms similar to the ones in your gut. Some evidence has found that probiotics can help improve symptoms of digestive problems, like irritable bowel syndrome and certain types of diarrhea.

  • Fennel

If you do not know what fennel is, it is a member of the carrot family, and it is a delicious garnish for a variety of salads, soups, pastas, and more. On top of being an excellent source of Vitamin C and an antioxidant, fennel is also an effective aid to digestion. It can help smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal system to relax and reduce gas, bloating, and stomach cramps.

  • Apples

As the old saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” While this might not necessarily be true, an apple a day might help keep digestion problems at bay. Eating apples can help neutralize stomach acid by creating an alkaline environment in the stomach. Having a proper level of alkaline in the stomach will help your body maintain its blood pH level.

  • Kombucha

Kombucha has been a top trend in recent years, and for good reason. Kombucha and other fermented foods are full of antioxidants and probiotics that improve the health of intestinal cells, improve immune function, and aids in food digestion.

  • Whole grains

Many people with digestion issues feel that they need to stray away from carbohydrates, but that is not always the case. The key is to choose the right kind of carbohydrates for your body. To be classified as a whole grain, a food must contain 100% of the kernel including the bran, germ, and endosperm.

  • Beets

In addition to being rich in folate, which helps cells grow and function, beets play a key role in damage to blood vessels, which reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Beets are also an excellent source of fiber. In fact, one cup of beetroot contains 3.4 grams of fiber. This fiber bypasses digestion and heads down to the colon, where it can contribute to the friendly gut bacteria or add bulk to stool.

  • Miso

The most common place you will find miso is in miso soup, but miso can also be used to make salad dressings, glazes, and sauces. This savory base makes for a good source of various B vitamins, vitamins E, K, and folic acid. Like kombucha, miso is a fermented food, which provides the gut with beneficial bacteria that helps the body stay healthy and happy.

  • Leafy green vegetables

You might hear leafy green vegetables talked about often, but you might not be familiar with what exactly leafy green vegetables are. Examples of popular leafy green vegetables are kale, microgreens, collard greens, spinach, cabbage, beet greens, watercress, and romaine lettuce. Leafy green vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but are low in calories.

  • Kimchi

Kimchi is actually considered one of the healthiest dishes in the world. Kimchi is packed with vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A and vitamin B. Kimchi is another fermented food, which makes it an excellent probiotic. It improves intestinal health and supports the immune system and anti-inflammatory responses.

  • Avocado

Avocados are a delicious and healthy superfood that can be added to many meals. The vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats in avocados help prevent disease and keep your body in good working condition. They can even help ward off diseases like cancer. It is also packed with fiber and essential nutrients like potassium, which helps promote healthy digestive function.

Get the All-natural Diet Plan You Need to Meet Your Health Goals

At Soza Weight Loss, we offer a variety of weight loss programs to help our patients meet their health goals. Our methods involve an all-natural plan that recommends low-calorie and nutrient-dense meals. When you meet with us, our goals will be to understand your health journey as a whole. This includes weight loss goals, but it also includes any ongoing issues you might have like indigestion. Our program will allow you to get the nutrition you need through normal, fat-burning foods.

To learn more about Soza Weight Loss and how we can help you meet your health goals, give us a call at (504) 475-9817 or contact us online.
